Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chex Mix is the New Crack

After a tumultuous week in the depths of Waikiki, I forced myself to hit the gym. On my way back, I decided to pick up some sushi and edamame for dinner - and of course Chex Mix for dessert. After my work out and a trip to the local pantry, I got on my building's elevator to find that I was on there with The Korean Family from the tenth floor. I noticed that this was a 'post-Sam's Club' trip for them. More imporantly, I learned that their charming, toothless, son had decided to press every floor's button. I rode eight floors with a month's worth of groceries and six Koreans; all of whom laughed (in their ear-piercing giggles) every time the doors opened and closed. I don't know exactly how old the little rug rat is but I do know that he is past the cute, giggle at lack of social grace, age. I soon wondered why I hadn't bought a bottle of wine at the pantry.

Everything about lifestyle changes 2010 (14 days) has been relatively easy. Eating well, working out, sleeping better. The only problem I am having is that I can't stop eating Chex Mix. I didn't realize how bad it is until I went to three different ABC stores to get a bag. The ironic thing is that the Korean Family on the elevator had two big Sam's Club bags of it. I spent eight floors plotting how I could get away with one of them. It would be totally justified for having to deal with their toothless son. I will do anything for a fix.


1 comment:

  1. I love that they are The Korean Family.....proper nouns!! Can you update us on this family continuously? Maybe next month give them $5 to pick you up a jumbo-sized package of Chex Mix? Just a thought.
