Sunday, February 7, 2010

60-90 mins with nothing scheduled for an hour after.

Since I have started the blog I have had some questions as to what exactly it is that I do for work. Let me take this time to enlighten you all on my current "profession". I work for an activity store in Waikiki selling over 101 activities; however my main goal is to book people to attend a 60-90 minute vacation club preview. (The sarcasm behind this is that it takes at least three hours.) I consider it to be the best/worst/funniest job I've ever had. My goal is to convince these people to go to our preview and I can give them some free gifts e.g. $100-$200 worth of free Hawaiian activities. The greatest part of this job is that I work with a bunch of 20-30 year olds so the laughs are endless. We are, for the most part, personable, cynical, people that have escaped to Hawai'i for some reason or another; mainly because we could not deal with the idea of getting a corporate job and shoveling snow.

I am sure you can imagine the people I meet on a daily basis in this line of work. Remember, I only make money if these people agree to attend the preview. In order to be qualified you must be a couple from the US or Canada that is over 27 years old. If people don't make the requirements they are legit dead to me - I don't make a cent. I don't get paid to hear about people's days, give directions or hear about how they came from colder weather, or that they drive on the other side of the road....Don't. Care. At. All.

Although I have a multitude of people to watch my favorite is anyone that is dying inside. I don't discriminate; though I do like a nice single lady on vacation with her parents because she still lives with them (past the age of 35). This usually means the father is also dying inside because all he wants is for his daughter to move out! You would be so surprised how miserable people are on their Hawaiian vacation.

I don't even approach the Fats anymore, they want nothing to do with life; their legs have been chaffing together all day. I will also never understand people that wear socks with sandals, there is absolutely no reason for this disaster. So many people wear black socks with black sandals as if we aren't supposed to be able to recognize where the sandal ends and the sock begins. People don't know what to do when aloha shirts and sandals are put in the mix.

Needless to say, my job proves that I can talk to anyone about anything and hopefully get these people into the preview so I can get paid. I truly make vacation dreams a reality*.

*After a 60-90 mins. preview (with no scheduled activities for an hour after.)


  1. Ryan, You captured our job. Well done! Standing ovation!

  2. fats dont want to do activities... its why they are fat!!!
